Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What not to do with your Children

A) Do not use your children as free weights. This is a BAD idea. The '90s were full of bad ideas: boy bands, fanny packs, and now this.

In other news, Sam and I are working on our combination Arnold Schwarzenegger/ Christopher Walken impression.

The best way to describe it is to say "Hasta la vista, baby" in halting Walkenese. If you manage this first step you are on the right path.

Personal news: Rush is finally coming to a close, which means I will have a lot more time to relax and concentrate on my research. Not to mention all of the catching up I have to do with reading assignments... The rest of the school week will be really stressful so I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend as a respite from some anxiety. But then that brings up an important question, what am I going to do this weekend - relax and unwind, or catch up on my reading? A decision for another time - now I need to stop procrastinating and finish this last part of my homework for tomorrow.